CFS Siam´s

"Services with a Smile"

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Service overview

The core service of our one-stop shop is management of the common property of a condominium or village on behalf of the board.


In addition we offer a range of support services to individual unit owners, from purchase through maintenance and refurbishment to rental and sale.


We also provide assistance of various kinds to make life easier for non-Thai owners – our resident services.
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Sales and Rentals
Resident Services

Property  Management

Our core service is an all-inclusive Property Management offering. We work closely with the elected Board of co-owners to administer and maintain a condominium or housing scheme in line with agreed standards and within legal requirements.

Through collection of the common fee from co-owners we manage a budget to cover regular maintenance work. We handle all administrative functions such as accounting, arranging annual general meetings of the co-owners and more.

Common area management

We provide comprehenive security, gardening, cleaning, repair and maintenance services for the common areas of a shared property.

Financial administration

We provide associated book-keeping and account management, including common fee collection.

Condominium or village

We can provide a Juristic Person service to any type of shared property under the Condominium Act or Land Development Act.

Bilingual Property Manager

We provide a bilingual Property Manager to report to the board of management of the property.

Please contact us to obtain a formal service specification

Contact details at foot of page

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Property Management
Resident Services

Sales and Rentals

Through our network of contacts we are able to assist individual owners with sales and rentals. On the other side, we can also assist with purchases and tenancies.


We bring together owners and prospective buyers to facilitate property transactions.

Rental management services

We bring together owners and prospective tenants with a view to concluding mutually satisfactory lease agreements.

Our service to prospective landlords includes:

    • Advice  on setting rental amount
    • Tenant search and qualification
    • Negotiation of rent
    • Agreement template and tailoring
    • Preparation of apartment for tenancy
    • Vacancy maintenance
    • Selected resident services

Pre-let maintenance

At the commencement of a lease we ensure that the property is absolutely ready for occupation.

Agent for buyer, seller or tenant

We will act on behalf of an owner, buyer or prospective tenant.

Please contact us to discuss your requirements or obtain property listings

Contact details at foot of page.

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Property Management
Sales and Rentals

Resident Services

We offer a variety of services to individual owners of apartments and villas to facilitate their residence in Thailand. You can select your package from the following menu:

House Accounts

We offer to manage your domestic expenses using an internal “House Account”. This can include scheduled renewal payments for

  • Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Internet services
  • Common fee


We can provide a range of homecare services, including:

  • Housekeeping
  • House plant care
  • Pest control
  • Vacant premises check

Renovation and repairs

Using our own staff or contracted partners we can provide any level of repair or maintenance.


We can provide transport and miscellaneous advice, including

  • Airport transfer
  • General taxi services
  • Immigration agency
  • Legal advice
  • Annual balance sheets for company owned units

Please contact us to discuss your requirements or request service

Contact details at foot of page.

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